Our new site is now live!

We are proud to announce that our brand new site is now live, with a refreshed look, a mobile friendly layout and a new, faster server. We are sure that you will like the changes and the blazing fast speed!

Our old site has now been reconfigured so that your product links will still work. However, we would recommend you to update your bookmarks and make them point to the new site.

Thank you for your continued support!

The Aelia Team

News for September 2013

Looking back, it’s interesting to see how the Currency Switcher evolved from a “simple” currency conversion tool to a full multi-currency suite, with features such as Geolocation, multiple pricing, gateway management and more. Reaching such great result wasn’t easy: we faced difficult decisions, dealt with “surprises” caused by incompatibilities with 3rd party solutions and encountered bugs depending on edge cases that seemed to disappear as soon as we tried to troubleshoot it. It wasn’t easy, but we did it, also thanks to the invaluable feedback and suggestions given to us by our Customers. Read more

Currency Switcher – WebServiceX is down, please use Open Exchange Rates

WebServiceX, one of the exchange rates providers supported by the Currency Switcher for WooCommerce, went down today due to a server issue. Attempting to retrieve an exchange rate from it would return an error message, which, hopefully, should be fixed soon (apparently, their server ran out of disk space). This means that, if you configured the Currency Switcher to use WebServiceX to automatic update the exchange rates, it won’t work. Unfortunately, the plugin can’t do anything about the issue, since it depends on an external server, but there are a few steps you can take to get your site back to normal:

  1. Go to the Administration section of your site and open the Currency Switcher Options page.
  2. Switch to Open Exchange Rates as the exchange rates provider. It requires an API key, which can be obtained free of charge using their Free Forever plan.
  3. Click on Save and update exchange rates. This will fetch the exchange rates from the provider and update them automatically.
  4. Update the Currency Switcher plugin to version or later, which improves the handling of abnormal conditions that may occur while retrieving the exchange rates.

All done! Your site will be now operational again, and you won’t have to worry about downtime of exchange rates provider.

Currency Switcher 2.0 with multiple currency pricing – Beta version is available

WooCommerceCurrencySwitcher_BlogPostAs announced earlier, the Beta version of Currency Switcher 2.0, with support for multiple currency pricing of each product, is now available. As per original schedule, this version has been tested on WooCommerce 2.0.x, thus, while it may be also working on WooCommerce 1.6.x, compatibility is not guaranteed.

How to get the Beta version

New customers

Simply order the Currency Switcher and you will receive two download links:

  • Link to version 1.x, currently stable and supported.
  • Link to version 2.x, currently in Beta and not covered by support.

Existing customers

Please contact Support, quoting your order number and the email address you used to place it. You will be re-sent an order confirmation, which will contain a download link for version 2.0.

Important note about the Beta

Please note that, Beta version is being provided as a preview, for evaluation purposes only, due to the high interest expressed by many visitors. As per Terms and Conditions of sale, Beta versions are not covered by free support. It’s therefore recommended not to use Beta versions in production.


I would like to thank all the customers  and readers who contributed their ideas towards the improvement of the Currency Switcher for WooCommerce, your feedback is greatly appreciated. I will endeavour to continue providing the best possible service, and expand the product selection in the near future. Thank you all for your support.


Currency Switcher 2.0 with multiple currency pricing – Progress update

Over a month has passed since I announced the development of Currency Switcher 2.0 with multi pricing capabilities and I think it’s time to give an update about the progress. The multi-pricing feature is currently being tested and a Beta version of the plugin will be released in the second half of August 2013.

As indicated in the original announcement, version 2.0 of the Currency Switcher will implement multi-pricing on WooCommerce 2.0.x. While it is possible that such feature will work on WooCommerce 1.6.x as well, not much testing is going to be performed on such environment at this stage.

Multi-pricing screenshots

Here are see a couple of screenshots showing the multi-pricing feature in action.

How to get Currency Switcher 2.0 Beta version

When Currency Switcher 2.0 Beta will become available, an announcement will be posted on this site. The new version it will be distributed together with version 1.x. A separate download link for version 2.0 Beta will be provided with every purchase, giving the possibility of downloading and installing either one.

If you already purchased the plugin, you received an order confirmation with just the link to version 1.x of the plugin. In such case, simply contact Support to request an updated order confirmation, which will contain the second link.

Please note that, as per Terms and Conditions of sale, Beta versions are not covered by free support. It’s therefore recommended not to use Beta versions in production.

Thanks for reading, and see you soon with exciting news!


5 Answers to common (and difficult) interview questions

After several posts focused on product release, I finally have some time to write about life as a Developer, and to answer some questions asked by my (few) readers. The most common questions I receive are about job interviews. Competition from other Developers is getting higher every day, and Companies are, understandably, getting picky, looking for Professionals who can “tick all the boxes”.

The difficulty in passing an interview, however, is not just showing that you can write code. Ironically, that’s the easy part. The difficult questions come later, when the technical interview is over, and are meant to test your personality. People who spend most of their time “talking” to machines can, sometimes, have a hard time answering human-related questions, therefore it becomes vital to prepare some answers upfront. Read more