Our refund policy, in simple terms
Our downloadable products digital goods and we can’t take them back from you after you download them. Still, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee to all purchases made on this site. If you choose not to use the product(s) you purchased from Aelia, you can get a reimbursement in few simple steps:
- Remove the product(s) from your site.
- Contact us within 30 days of your purchase to request a reimbursement. If you wish, you can also send some information about the reason for the request. We will use that information to improve our products.
- After receiving your request, we’ll refund your purchase.
It’s as simple as that. We just ask you to understand a couple of key rules that apply to all refund requests. These rules are in place to ensure that our offer is clear, and avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.
1. Disambiguation
All refunds are subject to our terms and conditions of sale and support, which you can find here: Terms and Conditions of Sale and Support. In case of doubt, these will be the terms that will apply to all requests of reimbursement.
2. We can’t accept refund request for services
We won’t be able to refund the price of “service” products. This includes paid support, consultancy and custom development. That’s because services involve hiring an expert to assist you and we can’t take back the time spent.
3. External marketplaces apply a different refund policy
External marketplaces, including, but not limited to, Envato, ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, etc. have their own refund policy. If you purchase any of our products from such marketplaces, the transaction will be subject to the terms of sale of that marketplace, which we are bound to adhere to.
4. Please, be nice
Although almost all our clients are honest and respectful, there have been a couple of cases (luckily, very few) when our generous refund policy was abused. Some individuals tried to “play tricks”, trying to get a free product, with free updates and free support. That’s not a nice thing to do, as it’s disrespectful towards us and towards our clients. Due to that, we reserve the right to deny a refund in case we detect an abuse of the refund policy, included, but not limited to, repeated purchases followed by refund requests, false claims of unauthorised payments and fraudulent credit card chargebacks.
These are the main rules, in a nutshell. Should you have any question about our refund policy, and you couldn’t find an answer in this page, nor in our terms of sale and support, please feel free to contact us. We will be ready to answer any questions you might have.
Thanks again for your interest in our products and services. We are looking forward to having you as one of our happy customers!
The Aelia Team