Repetita iuvant (latin): repeating things helps.
In this case, I’d like to repeat a message I sent in the past, but that seems to fall on deaf ears way too often: if you are a Developer, you must not behave like a Priest. I felt the need of repeating it because, in a short time frame, I stumbled upon a couple of websites with messages such as “we don’t support Internet Explorer”. It’s annoying enough to see messages like this on sites made by nerdy teenagers, but when they are written by people who call themselves professionals, it’s unacceptable.
Also, do yourself a favour: don’t be like a guy I met once, who boasted that “his code works 100% on every browser“, when it failed miserably on any version of Internet Explorer. When I pointed it out, he replied that “IE is not a browser, and you are stupid if you use it“. Sure, IE might not be the best browser out there, but calling your potential Clients “stupid” for using it won’t bring you much business.
Being a Professional Software Developer doesn’t just involve coding what you like, when you like and only for what you find cool, but being able to support various technologies and making the most out of them. Keep your Technological Religion wars for yourself, grow up and get over it.
Or keep being stubborn, and just give me the contacts of the Clients you rejected, I’m quite sure I can help them. Your choice.