
WooCommerce Prices by Country – Tax Display compatibility fix

Prices by Country for WooCommerce – What’s new

Prices by Country for WooCommerce has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Fixed widget conflict with Tax Display by Country plugin. The conflict was caused by the Prices by Country plugin using the same widget ID for the country selector widget. This is a minor fix, but we recommend installing the update if you use the Tax Display plugin, to be on the safe side.

How to get latest version

New customers

Simply place your order and you will get the latest version.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.

Aelia Foundation Classes for WooCommerce, now with automatic updates!

Aelia Foundation Classes (AFC) for WooCommerce and has been updated to version

What’s new

This new version brings just one improve, yet a very big one. From this version on, the plugin will automatic updates.

That’s right! We installed an automatic updates service on our web servers, and the Aelia Foundation Classes plugin will now use it to determine when new updates are available. It will then show a notifications in the Administration area, and also allow to install updates automatically, just like standard WordPress plugins.

Sounds great! How can I get it?

Simply click on the link above to get the latest version of the Aelia Foundation Classes for WooCommerce. The plugin is completely free. Once installed, you will automatically be informed of new updates, and you will be able to install them with one click. Housekeeping just became much easier!

News for May 2014

It has been a while since the last update, but we can say that 2014 has been a great year for our customers.

In February, WooCommerce 2.1 was released. Unfortunately, such new release broke backward compatibility with several plugin, including ours. We worked hard to fix all the issues that were reported, and we are proud to say that we made it before the estimated deadline. For this, we would like to thank our customers, who helped us spotting issues occurring in edge cases, that we could not have easily found by ourselves. Read more

Print Invoices & Packing Lists Add-on updated to version

Print Invoices & Packing Lists Integration Add-on for Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 2.0.x/2.1.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Fixed conflict with jQuery Chosen library
    The bug affected the loading of jQuery Chosen library, causing the country dropdown lists in the checkout page not to render correctly.

How to get latest version

You can download the plugin from the product page, free of charge. Support can be purchased separately.

News for September 2013

Looking back, it’s interesting to see how the Currency Switcher evolved from a “simple” currency conversion tool to a full multi-currency suite, with features such as Geolocation, multiple pricing, gateway management and more. Reaching such great result wasn’t easy: we faced difficult decisions, dealt with “surprises” caused by incompatibilities with 3rd party solutions and encountered bugs depending on edge cases that seemed to disappear as soon as we tried to troubleshoot it. It wasn’t easy, but we did it, also thanks to the invaluable feedback and suggestions given to us by our Customers. Read more

Post Scheduler and Hot Threads Plugins have been updated

As indicated in the title, the following Plugins for Vanilla Forums have been updated. Please download the latest version to make sure you get all the new features and bug fixes.

Post Scheduler

  • Fixed bug in filtering of Scheduled Discussions. The bug allowed unauthorised Users to see Scheduled Discussions when clicking on a Category.

Hot Threads

  • Added weighing of Discussions’ age to prevent stale Discussions with a high “hot” score from appearing in the Hot Discussions list forever.

To get the latest versions, simply click on the download link(s) that you received when you purchased the plugins. New purchases will automatically receive the latest version.