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Important notes about WooCommerce 2.2

WooCommerce 2.2 is coming

WooThemes has recently announced that WooCoomerce 2.2 will be released this Autumn, which will introduces more breaking changes. Based on the press release, their impact should not cause the plethora of issues that WooCommerce 2.1 introduced when it first came out, but we recommend not to upgrade to WooCommerce 2.2 if you installed any of our plugins, until we officially declare that they have been tested for compatibility. Read more

Our new site is now live!

We are proud to announce that our brand new site is now live, with a refreshed look, a mobile friendly layout and a new, faster server. We are sure that you will like the changes and the blazing fast speed!

Our old site has now been reconfigured so that your product links will still work. However, we would recommend you to update your bookmarks and make them point to the new site.

Thank you for your continued support!

The Aelia Team

Our new site is coming!

We are happy to inform you that, in the next few weeks, we will revamp our website, giving it a brand new image. The new site will have a better layout, which will be easier to use on desktop, tablet and mobile, and a colour scheme that will reflect our actual brand (Aelia, as opposed as Read more

News for May 2014

It has been a while since the last update, but we can say that 2014 has been a great year for our customers.

In February, WooCommerce 2.1 was released. Unfortunately, such new release broke backward compatibility with several plugin, including ours. We worked hard to fix all the issues that were reported, and we are proud to say that we made it before the estimated deadline. For this, we would like to thank our customers, who helped us spotting issues occurring in edge cases, that we could not have easily found by ourselves. Read more

Print Invoices & Packing Lists Add-on updated to version

Print Invoices & Packing Lists Integration Add-on for Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 2.0.x/2.1.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Fixed conflict with jQuery Chosen library
    The bug affected the loading of jQuery Chosen library, causing the country dropdown lists in the checkout page not to render correctly.

How to get latest version

You can download the plugin from the product page, free of charge. Support can be purchased separately.

News for February 2014

WooCommerce 2.1 logoIt has been a while since last main announcement, so we decided to publish one today, when WooThemes team reached a major milestone: WooCommerce 2.1 has finally been released. The new version, nicknamed “Peppy Penguin”, is now available for download on WooThemes site, or from WordPress control panel and introduces  several significant changes. Read more