
Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 2.0.x/2.1.x updated to version

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 2.0.x/2.1.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1.x
    • Restructured reporting classes to take into account the currency in which orders was placed. This will show consistent totals, in base currency.
    • Implemented reports: sales, sales by date, customers list, tax by date.
    • Implemented override of “WooCommerce Status” dashboard widget, to show total sales in base currency.
  • Improved compatibility with WooThemes Table Rates Shipping plugin.
  • Fixed “on the fly” calculation of order tax and order shipping tax.
  • Improved logging.

Please note that compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1.x is still being improved and there may be issues to be addressed.

How to get latest version

New customers

Simply place your order and you will get the latest version.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x updated to version

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1
    • Fixed bug that prevented the checkout from completing correctly in some circumstances. Issue was caused by a clash with new WC_Order::get_order_currency() method.

Please note that compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1 is still being improved and there may be issues to be addressed.

Pending issues

  • Reports display incorrect totals – Update
    WooCommerce 2.1 implements a new logic to render reports, which doesn’t trigger the Currency Switcher functions. We found out that, currently, the new reports don’t allow 3rd parties to alter the queries used to retrieve the data, thus making it hard to ensure that the correct totals are used. The solution we proposed to WooCommerce team will not be adopted by the 17/02/2014, therefore we will be re-implementing the reports altogether.

How to get latest version

New customers

Simply place your order and you will get the latest version.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x updated to version

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • New filter
    • Added filter wc_aelia_currencyswitcher_country_currencies, to allow altering the currency associated with each country. This can be used to alter geolocation logic and assign a currency different from the one used in a country. For example, one could set EUR against United Kingdom and visitors from the UK will see prices in EUR, rather than GBP.
  • Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1
    • Fixed bug in calculation of min and max variation prices when the base currency is selected.

Please note that compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1 is still being improved and there may be issues to be addressed.

Pending issues

  • Reports display incorrect totals – Update
    WooCommerce 2.1 implements a new logic to render reports, which doesn’t trigger the Currency Switcher functions. We found out that, currently, the new reports don’t allow 3rd parties to alter the queries used to retrieve the data, thus making it hard to ensure that the correct totals are used. The solution we proposed to WooCommerce team will not be adopted by the 17/02/2014, therefore we will be re-implementing the reports altogether.

How to get latest version

New customers

Simply place your order and you will get the latest version.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x updated to version

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Improved display of Recent Orders dashboard widget
    • The widget now displays only one total for orders placed in base currency. Orders placed in other currencies will still display the two totals, with the one in base currency enclosed in brackets.
    • The widget now displays the correct currencies for each order total.
  • Added currency selector in “new order” page in the backend
    The “new order” page in WooCommerce backend now includes a currency selector widget. With it, it’s now possible to choose the currency to use to create an order. The widget also displays the currency in which previous orders were placed.
  • Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1
    • Fixed bug in display of prices for variable products in products list page, which was caused by the new logic added to WooCommerce 2.1

Please note that compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1 is still in Beta and there may be issues to be addressed. We do not recommend using such WooCommerce version with the Currency Switcher on a live site.

Pending issues

  • Reports display incorrect totals – Update
    WooCommerce 2.1 implements a new logic to render reports, which doesn’t trigger the Currency Switcher functions. We found out that, currently, the new reports don’t allow 3rd parties to alter the queries used to retrieve the data, thus making it hard to ensure that the correct totals are used. We provided a solution to WooCommerce team, which makes the new logic more flexible.

How to get latest version

New customers

Simply place your order and you will get the latest version.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x updated to version

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Revised version number
    Some visitors got confused by the Beta in the version, therefore we felt the need to clarify its meaning. The Currency Switcher 3.0 is stable, ready for use in production and fully compatible with WooCommerce 2.0.x. The Beta refers to the compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1, which is still a work in progress. To reflect this, the “Beta” label has now been removed from the version number and a warning message is displayed in the Currency Switcher Options page, to highlight that we are still working to fix the issues that are caused by the installation of WooCommerce 2.1.
  • Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1
    We modified some of the logic in the plugin to deal with the changes in the display of products:

    • Sale prices for variable products is now displayed correctly.
    • New filters have been added, to handle the new way prices are retrieved for variable products.
  • Added handling of multiple IP addresses in X-Forwarded-For header
    In some configurations, X-Forwarded-For header contains a list of comma separated IP addresses, where the first in the list is the client IP address. The Currency Switcher now handles such condition, taking the first IP for Geolocation resolution purposes.

Please note that compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1 is still in Beta and there may be issues to be addressed. We do not recommend using such version with the Currency Switcher on a live site.

Pending issues

  • Reports display incorrect totals
    WooCommerce 2.1 implements a completely new logic to render reports, which doesn’t trigger the Currency Switcher functions. We are now analysing the new code to ensure that the reports are generated correctly.

How to get latest version

New customers

Simply place your order and you will get the latest version.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x updated to version

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 1.6/2.0.x has been updated to version This update brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Preliminary compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1
  • As anticipated earlier today, the architecture of WooCommerce 2.1 is significantly different from 2.0.x. Some of the changes introduced in this version break backward compatibility, thus causing undesired side effect in 3rd party plugins. We are now working to address issues caused by such update.
  • The following issues have been addressed:
    • Fixed error message related to absence of WC_Google_Analytics class
      Such class was part of WooCommerce core until version 2.0.20. From 2.1, it has been moved to a separate plugin.
    • Adapted logic to retrieve order currency
      WooCommerce 2.0 and 2.1 handle order attributes differently. Plugin logic has been modified to cater for both versions.
    • Fixed issue in displaying order totals in orders list page
      Order totals are handled correctly throughout the purchase process, but they are displayed incorrectly on Orders page in WC2.1 (again, due to a change in the core logic). Such issue has been addressed.
  • Removed unnecessary files.

Please note that compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1 is still in Beta and there may be issues to be addressed. We do not recommend using such version with the Currency Switcher on a live site.

Pending issues

  • Reports display incorrect totals
    WooCommerce 2.1 implements a completely new logic to render reports, which doesn’t trigger the Currency Switcher functions. We are now analysing the new code to ensure that the reports are generated correctly.

How to get latest version

New customers

Simply place your order and you will get the latest version.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.