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WooCommerce 2.3 – Product Compatibility Status

WooCommerce 2.3 was released on the 11th of February 2015, followed shortly by several updates, and we started our testing process to ensure that our plugins are compatible with it. Our results currently indicate that the new version has introduced some unexpected breaking changes that could cause our plugins not to work correctly.

We strongly recommend to install WooCommerce 2.3 on a test site first, and check that all installed plugins are working correctly, before updating your live site.

Compatibility status

Currency Switcher

We are working to fix an issue with the shipping costs not being converted. The issue has been fixed in plugin release, available now.

We received a report of an issue related to coupons. Such issue is caused by yet another undocumented breaking change in WooCommerce 2.3, and it has been fixed in version

The Currency Switcher is now compatible with WooCommerce 2.3.

Currency Switcher Add-ons

Tax Display by Country

Compatible. The changes added to WooCommerce 2.3.x should not this product. Please note that the Tax Display by Country plugin uses its own Geolocation features, and it ignores the ones introduced in WooCommerce 2.3.

Prices by Country


Payment Gateways

  • First Data/Authipay Gateway
    An undocumented change in WooCommerce 2.3 caused the plugin to crash. We implemented a workaround in version of of the product.
  • Mijireh Multi-Currency Gateway
    Compatible since version Requires WooCommerce Mijireh Checkout plugin 1.0.2 or later.
  • PayPal Standard Multi-Account Gateway
    Plugin is compatible with WooCommerce 2.3 since version WooCommerce 2.3 replaced the default PayPal gateway with a more complex one, which cannot be extended easily. We rewrote the PayPal multi-account plugin to work around this limitation, allowing it to work correctly with the latest version of the ecommerce.
  • Skrill Gateway
    An undocumented change in WooCommerce 2.3 caused the plugin to crash. We implemented a workaround in version of of the product.

EU VAT Assistant

This plugin is compatible with WooCommerce 2.3 since version


Compatible. An undocumented change in WooCommerce 2.3 caused the plugin to malfunction at checkout. We implemented a workaround in version of of the product.


We will keep testing our products to make sure that any issue which might still exist is fixed quickly and efficiently. Should you find any, please feel free to report it using our support portal: Aelia Support Portal. Thanks for your time and collaboration.

The Aelia Team

Important update for WooCommerce First Data/AIB Authipay

The First Data/AIB Authipay Gateway for WooCommerce has been updated to version This is an important update, which fixes an issue caused by version 2.3 of WooCommerce, which was released today.

What’s new?

The gateway has not changed much. Its features remain the same, and it will work as it has done until now. However, it’s important to update it as soon as possible, because in WooCommerce 2.3 they remove (without notice) some functions on which the plugin relied. As a result, the First Data/Authipay plugin will crash, unless it’s updated before upgrading WooCommerce.

If you plan to upgrade your system to WooCommerce 2.3, you should first update the First Data/AIB Authipay plugin to version

As with every WooCommerce update, we strongly recommend to install WooCommerce 2.3 on a test environment first, to ensure that all 3rd party plugins keep working as expected.

How do I get the new version?

If you are a new customer, you can buy First Data/AIB Authipay Gateway for WooCommerce plugin from our site.

Existing customers

You should be able to download the updated file using the link you received with your order. If the link doesn’t work, please contact Support to receive the latest version. Thanks.

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WooCommerce 2.2 – Product Compatibility Status

WooCommerce 2.2 was released yesterday, followed shortly by updates to 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, and we started our testing process to ensure that our plugins are compatible with it. Despite the many changes introduced by the new version, we are happy to inform you that our products are now ready for use on WooCommerce 2.2.x.

Products compatible with WooCommerce 2.2.x

Currency Switcher

Our flagship product was the first in the list. The Currency Switcher, until version, is almost entirely compatible with WooCommerce 2.2. The only bug we found was that the dashboard widget did not display the correct amount of sales. The issue has been fixed in, already available.

Currency Switcher Add-ons

All Currency Switcher add-ons are not affected by the breaking changes in WooCommerce 2.2.x and should be fully compatible with it.

Tax Display by Country

The changes added to WooCommerce 2.2.x do not affect this plugin, which should work out of the box.

Payment Gateways


The plugin is compatible with WooCommerce 2.2.x.


We will keep testing our products to make sure that any issue which might still exist is fixed quickly and efficiently. Should you find any, please feel free to report it using our support portal: Aelia Support Portal. Thanks for your time and collaboration.


The Aelia Team